add any feature requests here.
Security issues should be reported to!
©2014 the Elgg Foundation
Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.
Is it possible to put like "html boxes" where Admins can add codes to utilize the space?
Also, would it be possible to re-arrange the widgets location on the dashboard? like drag n drop?
3 column dashboard is really great i would like to request
1. Please add Jayadeep's scrapbook (wall-to-wall) pluggin link near by what is in your mind Tag bar.
2. Ability to change the sequence of left and right column pluggin by admin
let user to move boxes with AJAX techno.
I would really like to use the standard river layout, but keep the auto update functionality - is that possible?
@slyhne do search for AutoDash. This plugin will refresh the river
@goofbucket - I have looked at it, but apparently there is a bug in it that makes it unusable with IE8. Personally I prefer Firefox, but many user do actually use IE.
can you create a like button so that users can like others status's.
I think this is the code below
Sorry if this is in the wrong place.... :/
<button class=\"like_link stat_elem as_link\" title=\"Click here to like this item\" type=\"submit\" name=\"like\" onclick=\"fc_expand(this, false); return true;\"><span class=\"default_message\">Like<\/span><span class=\"saving_message\">Unlike<\/span><\/button><\/span><div class=\"comment_box\" data-ft=\"{"type":"ufi"}\"><div class=\"comment_box_nub\"><\/div><div class=\"like_box\"><\/div>
Feature Request: Addition of File Block.
I hope this is the correct place to post this... enjoy. THIS WAS WRITTEN FOR MP3 (sound files) ONLY! I am not sure what will happen when other file types are used. Try it... work something out ;-)
I was able to write up some code that works... will leave it up to someone else to riveritize it ;-)
(zaudio and file mods are requirements)
Edit: mod/riverdashboard/index.php and add the line annotated below:
//set a view to display left column
$area1 .= elgg_view("riverdashboard/miniprofile");
$area3 .= elgg_view("riverdashboard/miniprofile2"); // Add this line
Add the following code:
* 3 column dashboard - File Viewer
if (isloggedin()){
<div id="river_container2">
<div class="collapsable_box_content" style="-moz-border-radius-topleft:8px;-moz-border-radius-topright:8px;">
echo "<div align=\"center\">";
echo "<h2 style=\"font-size:12px; margin-top:3px; align:center;\">";
echo $vars['user']->name . "'s Files";
echo "</h2><br/>";
echo "</div>";
<div class="contentWrapper">
<div align="left" style="padding-top:1px;">
// Get entity
if (empty($vars['entity']))
$vars['entity'] = $vars['user'];
if ($vars['entity'] instanceof ElggUser) {
$name = htmlentities($vars['entity']->name, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$username = $vars['entity']->username;
// Get size
if (!in_array($vars['size'],array('small','medium','large','tiny','master','topbar')))
$vars['size'] = "large";
// Override
if (isset($vars['override']) && $vars['override'] == true) {
$override = true;
} else $override = false;
if (!$override) {
//global $CONFIG;
echo "<div align='left'>";
$owner = $vars['entity']->owner_guid;
$number = (int) $vars['entity']->num_display;
if (!$number)
$number = 10;
//get the user's files
$files = get_user_objects($vars['entity']->guid, "file", $number, 0);
//if there are some files, go get them
$count = 0;
if ($files) {
$count = 1;
//display in list mode
foreach($files as $f){
echo "<p><small>" . friendly_time($f->time_created) . "</small>";
$mime = $f->mimetype;
$title = $f->title;
if (empty($title)) {
echo "<p align=\"left\"><a href=\"{$f->getURL()}\">NO TITLE</a></p>";
if (!empty($title)) {
echo "<p align=\"left\"><a href=\"{$f->getURL()}\">".$title."</a></p>";
$jkh = $f->getURL();
$jkh = str_replace('read/', '#', $jkh);
$jkh = split('#', $jkh);
$jkh = str_replace('/', '#', $jkh[1]);
$jkh = split('#', $jkh);
$file_guid = $jkh[0];
echo "<div class=\"File_Container\">";
if (substr_count($mime,'text/')):
echo "<p align=\"left\"><a href=\"{$vars['url']}mod/file/action/file/download?file_guid=".$file_guid."\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"{$vars['url']}mod/file/graphics/icons/text.gif\"/></a>";
elseif (substr_count($mime,'audio/')):
echo "<object type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" data=\"{$vars['url']}mod/zaudio/audioplayer/player.swf\" id=\"audioplayer".$count."\" height=\"14\" width=\"220\">";
echo "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"{$vars['url']}/mod/zaudio/audioplayer/player.swf\">";
echo "<param name=\"FlashVars\" value=\"playerID=audioplayer".$count."&";
echo "bg=0x999999&";
echo "leftbg=0x000000&";
echo "lefticon=0xffffff&";
echo "rightbg=0xffffff&";
echo "rightbghover=0xcc0000&";
echo "righticon=0x000000&";
echo "righticonhover=0xcccccc&";
echo "text=0xcc0000&";
echo "slider=0xcc0000&";
echo "track=0xcccccc&";
echo "border=0xcc0000&";
echo "loader=0xffcccc&";
echo "loop=no&";
echo "autostart=no&";
echo "soundFile={$vars['url']}action/file/download?file_guid=".$file_guid.">";
echo "<param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\">";
echo "<param name=\"menu\" value=\"false\">";
echo "<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\">";
echo "</object>";
elseif (substr_count($mime,'/msword')):
echo "<p><a href=\"{$vars['url']}mod/file/action/file/download?file_guid=".$file_guid."\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"{$vars['url']}mod/file/graphics/icons/word.gif\"/></a>";
elseif (substr_count($mime,'/pdf')):
echo "<p><a href=\"{$vars['url']}mod/file/action/file/download?file_guid=".$file_guid."\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"{$vars['url']}mod/file/graphics/icons/pdf.gif\"/></a>";
elseif (substr_count($mime,'image/')):
echo "<p><a href=\"{$vars['url']}mod/file/action/file/download?file_guid=".$file_guid."\"><img src=\"{$vars['url']}mod/file/thumbnail.php?file_guid=".$file_guid."&size=small\" border=\"0\" /></a></p>";
elseif (substr_count($mime,'video/')):
echo "<p><a href=\"{$vars['url']}mod/file/action/file/download?file_guid=".$file_guid."\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"{$vars['url']}mod/file/graphics/icons/video.gif\"/></a>";
elseif (substr_count($mime,'opendocument')):
echo "<p><a href=\"{$vars['url']}mod/file/action/file/download?file_guid=".$file_guid."\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"{$vars['url']}mod/file/graphics/icons/openoffice.gif\"/></a>";
echo "<p><a href=\"{$vars['url']}mod/file/action/file/download?file_guid=".$file_guid."\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"{$vars['url']}mod/file/graphics/icons/general.gif\"/></a>";
echo "<p></p><hr/></div>";
$count = $count + 1;
echo "</div></div></div></div>";
} else {
echo "<h2>No Files</h2>";
echo "</div></div></div></div><div></div>";
echo "<div></div>";
@deepvoice.. do you have a site were i can see this working?
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