Message plugin doesnt work properly!

Im having a messaging issue that was just discovered. No one can send private messages. I'm only using the "messages" plugin which came with the elgg installation. When you go to the persons profile you can send a message except underneath the "TO: it says  "write recipients username here" but the GUID  is put in instead. Typing in the users name doesnt work . You have to leave the GUID in. for it to work. When you go to the inbox to compose a message or click on the message link in the menu and compose a message its doesnt give the GUID and if you type in the persons user name  and  click send you get an error message "we could not find the recipient in the user database".  I have disabled the third party plugins to see if any may be causing the issue but that did not resolve the issue. So if its not a third party plugin what is it?

Im at my wits end. When I used elgg 1.8 I had no problems. Then I made the mistake of up grading to 2.3 and it seems like just one issue after another. And no I will not upgrade anymore.

  • Sounds like you have very slowly connection to your database. This is very often the reason for shared hosting.

  • Which version of Elgg 2.3 have you installed exactly? Is it the latest one? It's been quite some time but if I remember correctly there was some error with the name field of the message sending form not working as intended. The other reason for the same problem was a buggy version of some hype***** plugin (not sure if it was hypeWall or hypeInbox or some other) that resulted in the member search of the message form input field to fail. When you say you have tried with 3rd party plugins disabled have you REALLY tried with ALL of them disabled (including a possible theme plugin)? I don't deny that the bug you descibe did exist at some time in the past but it has been fixed by now definitely.