Event Calendar not sending reminders

I am a novice, a complete layman, worse than a newb. I love Event Calendar except it is not sending out the set reminders. I'm not getting any error messages just no reminders. 

  • The Statistics counter on ELGG Administrator shows the Cron Jobs only executing when I activate the Poor man's cron plugin (Crontrigger)….and even then the Event Calendar reminders don't get sent.

    I think there is something else wrong as well

  • And now even after the hourly correct this.....


    Cron <homegard@webhosting2036> /usr/bin/php /home/homegard/public_html/elgg2 cron -i hourly -q


    (Cron Daemon) homegard@webhosting2036.is.cc via homegardenbook.com 

    1:00 PM (0 minutes ago)
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  • I can't get the croncheck plugin to work....I will ask the tech to install the other crons. Thanks again for your infinite patience. I know that you do not have to help someone as clueless as me and I am appreciative. Still struggling here



    This plugin is invalid: Its manifest contains an invalid dependency type "elgg_version". Location: /home/homegard/public_html/elgg2/mod/croncheck/

    Check the Elgg documentation for troubleshooting tips."


  • @uwharries Let me configure your server. I need access via SSH only. Send PM with credentials (host, port, root's login and password).

  • Croncheck plugin: most likely wrong version installed (the one you tried is not compatible with the Elgg version you use).

    Please don't mix elgg-cli cronjobs with the other approach. Use one way for all intervals.

    I haven't used the message_queue plugin since a while and also not looked at the code. I'm not sure right now if the fact that unsent reminders exist is a sign that it doesn't work. The reminders are not necessarily sent immediately but a certain time before the event takes place. For example, a reminder to be sent 1 day before an event with the even taking place next month would not be sent now.

  • Thank you so much.....I have messaged you with Cpanel info and elgg access info. This is just so nice of you.


    I have created a few test reminders that are past due and several of the others are past due. I have deactivated the poor man's cron plugin. Still no reminders are sent and the hourly cron job is still coming back with:



    (Cron Daemon) homegard@webhosting2036.is.cc via homegardenbook.com 

    5:00 PM (22 minutes ago)
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