A final farewell

Dear Elggers!

After almost a decade of Elgging, I am waving a bitter-sweet good-bye. I guess I waved a few in my time, but this one is final :) It was a fun journey, full of ups and downs, definitely highly educational and sometimes rewarding, but it's time for a change. I am ready for some new adventures: I am leaving behind my freelance life and starting a new job at a company dedicated to digitizing healthcare and medicine.

I will no longer have time for Elgg nor my plugins, hence I have decided to make a parting gift and made all plugins available on Github and Packagist. I won't be maintaining them, but feel free to breathe new life into them. If you manage to get rich using them, send me a coffee plantation.

Just as a notice, there are too many plugins to update licensing terms individually. Just note that any packages on Github that are prefixed with Elgg3- should be considered licensed under GPL2.

Cheers and good bye,

  • This is really a loss for Elgg. But congratulations on your new job and good luck :-)

  • All the best with your new career İsmayil. And thank you for your contributions to Elgg. Still hope that Elgg will continue as your hobby. Never is not a practical word. Best!

  • @ihayredinov, As you go remember! We are your best friends who pushed you to extreme limits! We brought the good and the bad out of you! We made you scream, lough, cry, smile, and yes --- sometimes you felt like punching your computer screen or walls!

    We are the ones who made you sometimes stay up all night trying to make Elgg community a better place to hung out and share the energy of freelancing and in the process; we have passed our precious free time energy toward this thing that has become to be known as Elgg Engine!

    We are the ones who made you take off from time to time to reevaluate both your vision and mission for free freelancing and in the process of reexamining your vision and mission and making strategy changes in your life; your resume, skills got better and better as time passed by!

    We are the ones who might hope in the near future once again we might share our free energy time "freelance" and memories due to the sequential nature of debugging codes so that humans can understand the difference between good design, programming, and cryptography!

    We are the ones who are in pursuit of creating end-user friendly tools and the ultimate software simplicity!

    We will continue to make a world a better place to share design knowledge and to be part of change for generations to come.

    We just want to say may your generous time that you shared with us be fruitful and as you continue to marvel into the journey of life --- and making this world the best place to live in!


  • @ihayredinov, Elgg is missing some high quality plugins while you move.. I have tried several times to get you work on some of your plugins improvement but you have always been very busy.. Anyway all the very best for the next stage of your life.