fatal error message for non logged in user

I've noticed that if a non logged in user tries to access some urls that contain the "theme_sandbox" path then in some cases there is a message displayed for a fatal error

example of such url



the error displayed :

Fatal Error.

An unrecoverable error has occurred and has been logged. Contact the site administrator with the following information:

Exception at time [some number here].  

logged in admins don't see these errors.

other similar urls don't produce errors even for non logged in users. eg:


Probably not a big of a deal but IMO worth pointing out





  • Forgot to say this happens  in elgg v 2.3

  • I can't recognize it. Check your server logs.

  • This is a known issue. See open issues at https://github.com/Elgg/Elgg/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen+sandbox+

    The theme sandbox as it is currently implemented is not ready for public use. For example, the error when trying to access the theme_sandbox/components page is caused by no user being logged in while Elgg tries to display the user icon of the "currently logged in user" on this page. The error on other pages are most likely for the same or similar reasons, i.e. Elgg trying to run an API methos on the logged-in user entity that is just not available for logged out users. The developers plugin (including the sandbox) has been written with the development phase in mind and not necessarily the "show off" use case. As the corresponding issues are still open there might be some changes made at some point. But I guess it's currently a rather low priority to work on it.

  • @iionly 

    OK I saw the GitHub discussions now and I guess it makes sense now.

    Was afraid that it was only happening to me but although it is a known problem it looks that it is really a non issue.