Anyone got this to work with Elgg 2.3.10.
OS: Linux Mint.
Auction plugin:
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©2014 the Elgg Foundation
Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.
- iionly@iionly
iionly - 0 likes
- Rudi@rudi
Rudi - 0 likes
<?php // Get engine require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/engine/start.php"); // Get file GUID $wiauctionguid = (int) get_input('wiauctionguid', 0); $wiauctionpost = get_entity($wiauctionguid); if (!$wiauctionpost || $wiauctionpost->getSubtype() != "wiauction") { exit; } // Get owner $owner = $wiauctionpost->getOwnerEntity(); // Get the size $size = strtolower(get_input('size')); if (!in_array($size,array('large','medium','small','tiny','master'))) { $size = "medium"; } // Use master if we need the full size if ($size == "master") { $size = ""; } // Try and get the icon $filehandler = new ElggFile(); $filehandler->owner_guid = $owner->guid; $filehandler->setFilename("wiauction/" . $wiauctionpost->guid . $size . ".jpg"); $success = false; if ($filehandler->open("read")) { if ($contents = $filehandler->read($filehandler->size())) { $success = true; } } if (!$success) { $path = elgg_get_site_url() . "mod/wiAuction/graphics/noimage{$size}.png"; header("Location: $path"); exit; } header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); header('Expires: ' . date('r',time() + 864000)); header("Pragma: public"); header("Cache-Control: public"); header("Content-Length: " . strlen($contents)); $splitString = str_split($contents, 1024); foreach($splitString as $chunk) { echo $chunk; }
- Rohit Gupta@Rohit_1990_3676
Rohit Gupta - 1 like
- Rudi@rudi
Rudi - 0 likes
- Rudi@rudi
Rudi - 0 likes
- Rohit Gupta@Rohit_1990_3676
Rohit Gupta - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.I don't think it will work on Elgg 2.3 without a thorough code upgrade. The latest version available (1.7) was released for Elgg 1.8 and much has changed since then (first with Elgg 1.9 and then again - a bit less - with Elgg 2.0). Maybe someone will respond who has done the code upgrade but not released a working version. But to be honest I wouldn't have too high hopes. If you need an auction plugin urgently, it might be necessary to hire a developer to do the work. You could also take a look at the plugins available at If I remember correctly there were some shopping plugins available there. But I can't say for sure (and not by own experience) if they are fully working or even providing full functionality as they are or are rather a kind of basis that you would have to extend/customize to get a full working solution. Problem with these plugins (like with the auction plugin) is that the developer of the hype* plugin has stopped working further on these plugins (they work on Elgg 2 but in future releases of Elgg like version 3 already they would likely require some updates).
The following code points to thumbnail.php and I thingk that the thumbnail php has an error in it, any help would be much appriciated.
$wiauctionguid = $vars['wiauctionguid'];
$size = $vars['size'];
echo "<img src='" . elgg_get_site_url() . "mod/wiAuction/thumbnail.php?wiauctionguid={$wiauctionguid}&size={$size}' class='elgg-photo'>";
when I replace <img src='" . elgg_get_site_url() . "mod/wiAuction/thumbnail.php?wiauctionguid={$wiauctionguid}&size={$size}' class='elgg-photo'> with <img src=''>, I get the Google image.
When I am not using an image in the aution then the noimage.png image should appear in the auction but the noimage.png does not appear.
In elgg 2.0 engine/start.php does not exist, so the below line is not valid:
Try replacing it with this:
Thank you very much Rohit Gupta, That worked.
Except the lightbox popup does not display the image, will look in to that.
viewimage.php had the same engine/start.php in it, so replaced:
with this:
Thanks Rohit Gupta, That also worked.
Now the lightbox popup does display the image.
Had also to tweak the size of the images to display right in the lightbox.
I am glad that it worked.