I upgraded from 1.2 to 1.5 RC2 and the upgrade went smoothly, except that the view is kind of screwed up. The "Tools" are displayed below the left sidebar and not beside it where they should be - Can anyone help me out with this, I tried disabling all the plugins, but to no avail - I also upgraded using the upgrade.php link successfully.
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Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
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What is your browser and OS?
Windows Vista Business, Firefox 3.0.7 - update - it looks the way it is supposed to in IE 7.0.6001
So far as I know, RC2 has been tested with exactly that browser/OS problem with no issues.
Could you try a fresh download and re-install?
I suspect that one of your CSS files has become corrupted.
Edit: I meant "browser/OS *combination*" above. Although some people would argue that Vista is definitely a "problem"!
Welcome to Elgg.
Elgg couldn't connect to the database using the given credentials.
Third install, uninstall, re-install today! I can't wait for tomorrow!!
re: "Elgg couldn't connect to the database using the given credentials" ;-)
I've seen that too !
This was on Godaddy -- different ISP hosts have diff ways or naming thei database "host name" You cPanel or WHM/etc should tell you what the naming is. Also might be a good idea to install from *scratch if all else fails..
Problem solved - thanks for the help - I reinstalled FF 3 - didn't work - then deleted private data / customizations - and then reinstalled again - and It works now :) ...now another question - if I have my elgg installation in abc folder on my root - how do i change it to xyz without having to reinstall it again - any help on this will be appreciated thanks
very carefully ;-)
you want to rename /abc to xyz/ ?
do the rename
you'll see
change the http:..www.xxxx.com/abc/
I think that covers it...
I can't remember if you also need to patch .hyaccess :-
# If Elgg is in a subdirectory on your site, you might need to add a RewriteBase line
# containing the path from your site root to elgg's root. e.g. If your site is
# http://example.com/ and Elgg is in http://example.com/sites/elgg/, you might need
My Elgg on localhost has it commented out.
I had a similar issue on my 1.5 install using Firefox and based on a Lunarpages server.
I noticed that this only seems to happen with th two-column-left-aligned layout and only with plugins, not with core views using this layout. For example, troubles show up in groups, pages and files but not in the Dashboard even though they all draw on the same CSS. Don't know what that indicates but there you go.
I resolved the issue by adjusting the right margin of the left-column in the css file from 20px to 18px. If you use WebDeveler or FireBug in Firefox, you can see how this works. It took a while for this change to register on my site. Maybe the cookies had to expire or the server had to acknowledge the change and empty its cache ... don't know.
Anyway, 24 hours later my layout is healed.
To force Elgg to reset its cache, you can run upgrade.php.
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