Hi everyone I just started developing with Elgg and I am trying to get the Stripe Subscriptions working. I am using Elgg 2.3 and I installed https://elgg.org/plugins/1825886 and https://elgg.org/plugins/1825893 but from the Github repo as it is a newer release.
The problem I am experiencing is when I create a new plan it says "Plan can not be exported" and it says "Invalid parameter: name".
Does anyone know how to fix it?
I tried many different methods and I added a plan directly in Stripe.
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- ihayredinov@ihayredinov

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- anax-dev@anax-dev

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- ihayredinov@ihayredinov

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- anax-dev@anax-dev

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- nikos@nlyberakis

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You must log in to post replies.Stripe API has been changing a lot, it's possible they removed some parameters. You might be able to switch the API manually to an older version from your stripe dashboard.
I tried that and it didn't work. I contacted Stripe directly and that wasn't any help either.
Oh well I will just use Paypal.
Yes, giving up is always the easiest solution.
I just don't have anymore time to invest into this project.
@anax-dev: I worked with stripe and stripe_subscriptions plugins recently for Elgg 2.3.x and made some changes in order to be compatible with latest stripe-php library.
They are available at https://github.com/nlybe/stripe_subscriptions and https://github.com/nlybe/stripe.