Hello, I am with a doubt about the safety information that this appearing to my members. information is about the "HTTPS" how leave my website with the certificate "HTTPS" need to do some modification with my hosting company?
Security issues should be reported to security@elgg.org!
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- lorena@lorena
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- Rohit Gupta@Rohit_1990_3676
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ihayredinov - 0 likes
- lorena@lorena
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- lorena@lorena
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You must log in to post replies.Hello everyone, I installed the ssl certificate with my hosting company, and it was successfully installed, however it informed me that I need to change URLs from "http" to "https" how can I do this ??
Elgg: 2.3.0
Go to "Administration" > "Settings" > "Advance Settings" - Change the url from here.
Log in as admin and go to Admin > Settings. If login fails, change the site URL in your database in site_entities table. Aftetwards add a redirect through your cPanel or .htaccess to make sure all pages are served with https. Google for details.
Oh, muito obrigado!! Ismayil, Rohit tudo está funcionando perfeitamente Certificado SSL está ativo Agora, uma pergunta final, ao testar através deste endereço "https://www.whynopadlock.com" Eu recebo um resultado de alerta de protocolo o que seria? É para eu me preocupar? Protocolos: Atualmente, você tem o TLSv1 ativado. Esta versão do TLS está sendo desativada. Esse aviso não quebrará seu cadeado, mas se você executar um site de comércio eletrônico, ele deverá ser desativado até 30 de junho de 2018.
this is the correct address