Hi all,
I'm looking for a coder who would be able to create a plugin, that would be able to embed off-site video, images and gif images on activity page. Basically I'm looking for somebody, who would be able to do this all with one plugin, be friendly with aalborg theme and mobile friendly as well... All this should be done with Share a link button, and embed the stuff in the river page. Be noted the videos can be different formats (.flv, .mp4, .webm, anything)
Currently I have a plugin that is able to embed pictures, be it png, jpg, or gif, with the fault that .gif are not playable on the website. I want the plugin to embed the gif so the user can play the gif, or the video, on the river without exiting the page.
For further information and price enquiries please email me at nostur@gmail.com
Thanks in advance!
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- nostur@nostur

nostur - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Forgot to mention - the images and videos should be embedded via direct link, ie http://www.videosite.com/files/yourmomvideo.mp4 and such, no page scraping etc.