Using Twig?

I was looking at the elgg Roadmap, and I don't see major changes. I was wondering if at some point elgg is gona use Twig as a template engine.


  • I doubt that we will be able to replace all views with Twig, but I do like the notion.

  • That's what I thought. 

    Anyways, I am asking this because I've been doing some projects with Twig. About a week ago I wanted to use elgg for another project (since it has everything I needed out of the box + plugins). However, once I was going to work with elgg, I saw a mess and instead of saving time, I was going to need more to use it as I was requested. 

    I decided to go back and use this framework that uses Twig. I did everything I needed to do in less than a week. I'm not complaining, It just seems elgg is staying behind. Even OpenCart uses Twig now

  • I don't think there is any problem to using twig in parallel. Views system is flexible enough to accommodate templates, and hooks can be used to prepare the values, build cache etc.

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