This might sound complicated because it is, to me anyway. Any suggestions are appreciated.
I have array of strings (using var_dump):
array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "655-2032B" [1]=> string(8) "655-2056" [2]=> string(9) "300-85091" }
That array comes from $attachment[] = $core_title->number; code below.
foreach ($data->parts as $core_title) {
$attachment[] = $core_title->number;
$q = $core_title->number;
// Run query
$dbprefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix');
$options['joins'][] = "JOIN {$dbprefix}objects_entity oe ON oe.guid = e.guid";
$options['wheres'][] = "oe.title = '$q'";
$options['types'] = array('object');
$options['subtypes'] = array('core');
$options['limit'] = 1;
$entity = elgg_get_entities($options);
// I got that entity that matches the title ($core_title->number)
//Now get GUID of the entity
foreach ($entity as $o) {
$coreguid = $o->guid;
$coreguides[] = $o->guid;
It works I get the GUID as $coreguid but only for the first item in original array
I to save EACH item from array in $data->parts (going through process of finding GUID of entity that matches the title) using:
$obj->annotate('cores', $coreguid);
Unfortunately it only gets first item from original array.
var_dump($attachment); returns this (gets all 3 items):
array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "655-2032B" [1]=> string(8) "655-2056" [2]=> string(9) "300-85091" }
var_dump($coreguides); returns this (only 1, first one):
array(1) { [0]=> int(23314) }
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You must log in to post replies.You're setting the SQL LIMIT to 1.
Tip: don't using singular words like $entity to name arrays. More importantly, you're placing $q in SQL without escaping. You want something like:
Thank you for your help first of all.
Reason SQL LIMIT is 1 is because there is only 1 entity with that exact title (655-2032B, 655-2056 or 300-85091) that are in original array and SQL query is inside foreach code. I tried setting it to 0 and still same result.
Same with using
$escaped_q = sanitize_string($q);
returns same result.I think I'm doing something wrong with "foreach", This is what I'm trying to do and I think I'm doing in the code but not quite it seems like.
Original data comes from Json ( $data = json_decode($json); )
foreach ($data->parts as $core_title) {)
which are 655-2032B, 655-2056 and 300-85091 so using$q = $core_title->number; )
gets all 3 numbers (it should as I'm using foreach)Inside that I get entity for each of those numbers using SQL query and elgg_get_entities (those numbers correspond to entity title so it finds them)
Then I get GUID for each of the entities inside that using
So I think I need another foreach maybe to get all 3 numbers in
foreach ($data->parts as $core_title) {
processed by elgg_get_entities that matches number to each entity title and pulls GUID of these found entities.Code only gets first one 655-2032B and pulls its GUID which is 23314
That's why I'm looking at var dump results of the code:
var_dump($attachment); returns all 3 items:
array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "655-2032B" [1]=> string(8) "655-2056" [2]=> string(9) "300-85091" }
var_dump($coreguides); returns only 1, first one:
array(1) { [0]=> int(23314) }
Thing that makes me believe it is my foreach loops is because if I only use this:
it creates annotation with each number as value. (655-2032B, 655-2056 and 300-85091)
But I need to find object that has title as each number first and then annotate with GUID of that object for each number.
Explain again, what you try to do?
What is it: title or metadata?
Do you want to search a part of title, or get the entities by value?