I have chosen the Elgg framework for a project but I am struggling to get even the basics to work. I have downloaded the forms_register plug-in but it forces the user to use email and display name. I have read the elgg tutorials but to be honest they are not very helpful.
How do I disable this feature (not a requirement)?
In 'mod\forms_register\views\default\forms\register.php', I change the 'required' => true, to 'required' => false and it does it gives me an error message if the email section is blank.
If I hide the display name in view or change the $name = get_input('name') to $name = get_input('username') in start, they both give the same issue (an error message).
Please guide me on this. I am stuck and I feel frustrated because I went to learn this framework but I find it so hard to implement basic rules.
Many thanks
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- Matt Beckett@Beck24
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You must log in to post replies.Email is a requirement for elgg registration. Working around that would be very difficult.
I think profile manager might give the option to auto-generate usernames on registration. Display name you probably want to keep, otherwise what were you planning to display to identify people if they have no email, username, or display name?
Dear Matt, again thanks for your interest.
My objective is the following:
Display name = User name // Display name is hidden from the registration form // just for the internal database (and other third-party plugs)
Email = not required / not obligatory (maybe I will use the technique in the noname plug-in but it does not work if i user does input email so an if would be required)
User name = required and checked against the blacklist (1 and 2 // core elgg) then against a whitelist (a-z,0-9, and other key words)
Are you saying I should focus on diplayname (so User name = Display name // +hidden from reg form)?
I really love this framework (at first glance) but I am trying to get my head around creating rules (mapping) which is the start of any social media website.
What do you advise?
You can do it with your custom plugin:
1. Register custom actions ('register', 'useradd').
2. Edit in actions:
3. Add custom forms ('register', 'useradd').
4. Edit in forms:
Shortly: copy actions and forms from core to your custom plugin -> Register your actions in start.php -> Edit actions/forms -> Done!
RvR cool thanks but the issue is when the user does input an email.. the email should not be obligatory / required.