API or custom endpoint

Elgg: Release - 1.8.20, Version - 2014090700

Using plugins:  https://github.com/markharding/elgg-web-services-deprecated and API Admin 1.0

I need to create end point to which other website will send JSON packet with data with which system would create objects and relationships between them.

Is API web services way to go or creating custom end point in the plugin is best?

Thank you.

Example JSON packet sent to endpoint:


 "main object title":"AB12",
 "main object description": 1234,
 "sub-objects with relationship to main object" = [

                "sub-object1 title":"AB12",
                "custom metadata1": 1,
                "custom metadata2": 6,
                "relationship": "box_of"



                "sub-object2 title":"AB13",
                "custom metadata1": 1,
                "custom metadata2": 20,
                "relationship": "box_of"


