we are developing a theme for our elgg-site. We use ELGG 1.6. Now we have found an interesting thing. If we change the "owner_block.php" in "themename/views/default/blog/page_elements" and "themename/views/default/groups/page_elements", ELGG uses only the owner_block.php from "themename/views/default/groups/page_elements" and ignores the overloaded version from blog when displaying it.
Is there any way of defining an overloaded template so that it will be only used exclusively for the display of the plugin it was designed for?
Thanks in advance,
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- Pete Harris@pete
Pete Harris - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Blog uses its own canvas layouts contained within the plugin, and it's own ownerblock in pageshell/blog_owner_block.php. If you include the correct files you wish to override within the correct mirrored directory structure in your theme bundle (and then run upgrade.php) everything should be as expected.