I desperately need the mentions-plugin for 2.2. Is there any chance this is being developed any further and running smoothly for the 2.X versions?
My admin refuses to install any older versions not successfully tested on 2.2...
thank you very much!
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- ihayredinov@ihayredinov

ihayredinov - 0 likes
- ura soul@tunist

ura soul - 0 likes
- oseg@oseg

oseg - 0 likes
- dragonjon@dragonjon

dragonjon - 0 likes
- in the master version https://github.com/Elgg/mentions with the two visual editors
- with the version folked from master of @tunist https://github.com/propertunist/mentions the same
- with the version of @oseg forked from 2.3 version of @ihayredinov al seems ok but works only with the first paragraph of the content. In the next paragraph of the content proposes the same identity of the first paragraph.
You must log in to post replies.There is a branch in github that I have been working on, but it seemed to have caused issues here on the community with notifications
my version works ok for me in elgg 2.3 and using tinymce extended: https://github.com/propertunist/mentions
I forked Elgg/mentions plugin (the one Ismayil worked on) and fixed some notification issues in branch 2.3: https://github.com/oseg/mentions/tree/2.3.
It seems ok now, I created a pull request: https://github.com/Elgg/mentions/pull/50
Kind regards
Hi @ihayredinov , @tunist and @oseg
I use mentions plugin tested different versions mentioned in this discussion topic. All the test with plain text (only this work correctly), CKEditor 1.9 and Extended TinyMCE 4.7.1-2 in the Elgg 2.3.4
- I start writing @manceb proposes the identity of Juanma Mancebo below and I click on it. The result is that I am in the editing area with @mance@JuanManuelMancebo
- in the notification area strange things like that I mention myself or mentions that do not exist
For me the 2.3 version is better but with the error of the paragraph
Thanks to all