Embed/Upload media in all posts[blog,forum,comments] is not working for me.Upload media working fine,but when i click on Embed media a Dropdown menu "All"appears.I can't see any blank field where i can add embed code.Help plz!
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I have a similar issue. Upload works fine, I can see the media (in this example, a jpg file) in the select window, but clicking on it, while successfully returning me to the edit window, does not actually seem to do anything.
From what I can see it may not be playing nicely with tinymce. If you click the "Add/Remove editor" link you'll see that you can embed media into the blank window. If you click the "Add/Remove editor" link again, you'll get your WYSIWYG tools back and the media will have been embedded.
Hmmm. There *seems* to be a ticket on this already, but the body of the ticket (http://trac.elgg.org/extensions/ticket/186) doesn't say exactly which bug this is. Could be this is already being handled.
I have the same problem
Hi all
If you enabled the files plugin and uploaded some media files like photos or audio snippets, these files names will appear in the dropdown menu under "All" on the Embed tab page so that you can select and embed them into your blog :)
@jove: I hear what you're saying, but the problem in this case seems to be a TinyMCE issue. The file(s) upload fine.
@johnnyspade: Yep, that does it. Upload->turn editor off->Embed works.
Bit of a usability issue, eh?
Yep. This is an issue. It needs to be fixed (or a patch described) before I can go live with my site.
I looked at the ticket above (http://trac.elgg.org/extensions/ticket/186), but could not find the file to edit during a quick (very quick) search. Any suggestions?
hiya - i can't get this to work either... my code already has the code displayed in trac:
the code in my mod>>embed>>views>>default>>embed>>media.php has lines:
//$content = htmlentities($content, null, "UTF-8");
$content = htmlentities($content, null, "UTF-8");
Has anyone found what else needs to be changed to make this work?
@brooklyntam -- trac says =
replace with
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