I am an experienced IT analyst and coder, but I have not worked with elgg before.
I have created the elgg site http://philcheney.com/linkedinside but I am not a PHP coder so either NI or NC to get me over the hurdles to what I want.
The major thing I would like to achieve is to allow access to the site via sub-domains, where if you enter a specific sub-domain you would only have visibility of only those groups and members which are part of the sub-domain. Those who enter the global domain would see all (ie no SQL filtering)
Secondly, I would like TI to know how to access the actual data for reporting from the metabase.
I have clear specifications and at this stage a limited budget, but it could develop to a significant budget, so please contact me to discuss.
Security issues should be reported to security@elgg.org!
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Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
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- ihayredinov@ihayredinov
ihayredinov - 0 likes
- Philosofree@Philosofree
Philosofree - 0 likes
- Jeroen Dalsem@jdalsem
Jeroen Dalsem - 0 likes
- ihayredinov@ihayredinov
ihayredinov - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.I have implemented something similar before and it's a pain in the ass. If there is any way for you to avoid subdomains, avoid them. Elgg's routing is closely tied to page URL, so you are looking a handful of problems to deal with.
thanks Ismayil
If I chose to do this a different way, say by implementing sub-groups and limiting access to a specific group instead of a domain, would that work?
Are you interested in helping if I did this?
I cannot find anyone available on fiverr.com to do elgg work.
@philosofree the group_tools plugin has a feature where users auto-join groups based on their emaildomain. If you make all those groups closed groups, you could maybe achieve what you need..
Feel free to send me an email and I can at least give you some estimates. Not sure fiverr rates is something I am willing to slave myself for :) Try upwork.com or freelancer.com, you can't really set a price on plugin development until you know the requirements, there is always a margin for bug fixes, testing, changing requirements, unexpected challenges etc.