After site details save - I am brought to an incorrect URL.
I click on save and am brought to:
there is an "s" missing at the end of the "actions" folder
Where can i change this so i can install? Getting errors everywhere with this - code is looking for "actions" folder - not action folder....
anyone else see this?
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Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
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- DhrupDeScoop@Dhrup2000

DhrupDeScoop - 0 likes
- brooklyntam@brooklyntam

brooklyntam - 0 likes
- brooklyntam@brooklyntam

brooklyntam - 0 likes
- TahoeBilly@TahoeBilly

TahoeBilly - 0 likes
- brooklyntam@brooklyntam

brooklyntam - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies."code is looking for "actions" folder - not action folder."
( "actions/" is correct - not to worry about folder/ not exsiting )
==> rewrite problem -- read the install instructions regarding mod_rewrite
I made the modrewrite.php and testing.php file and i am given the message:
mod_rewrite works
Could it still be a mod_rewrite problem? - I updated the .htaccess file with the path that elgg was uploaded to
RewriteBase /dev/
now i'm getting the message that my "data" folder is not writeable - but persmissions have been set to 777
I've created a new database and also new data folder and still no luck
Post for anyone else that has had this problem.... check your path for your "data" folder... make sure it is the server path and not a URL - I was trying to point to the data folder using:
but I should have been using:
to point to the folder... cheers!
I might be having the same issue with setup on are you talking about the
Elgg database pointer?
The above is the path that I needed to use so that when I installed elgg i wouldn't get the message "data folder is not writable".
I made the mistake of trying to use a url instead of the local path to the data folder.