hello please i need help with hypelist plugin https://github.com/hypeJunction/hypeLists by hypejunction...i activated the latest version of hypelist 4.1.4 in my localhost...but it makes my site activity (/activity) page go blank... i downloaded the master file on github and it did not work, i also downloaded the package file https://github.com/hypeJunction/hypeLists/releases/download/4.1.4/hypeLists-4.1.4.zip but it kept outputting a blank page for /activity page... i am currently using elgg 2.2.X... any help would be appreciated, thanks and best regards.
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- Nikolai Shcherbin@rivervanrain

Nikolai Shcherbin - 0 likes
- DARLINGTON@Dar_ling_ton

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- DARLINGTON@Dar_ling_ton

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- Nikolai Shcherbin@rivervanrain

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- DARLINGTON@Dar_ling_ton

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- Nikolai Shcherbin@rivervanrain

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- DARLINGTON@Dar_ling_ton

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- Dries@driesdk

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- DARLINGTON@Dar_ling_ton

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You must log in to post replies.Deactivate hypeLists and remove mod/hypeLists then flush caches + update (via Administration)
Now download and activate https://github.com/hypeJunction/hypeLists/releases/download/4.1.4/hypeLists-4.1.4.zip
Check again and give your response.
OK thanks for the answer ,I will give you feedback as soon as I give it a try.thanks once again.
Hello, just tried your advice... But activity page is still blank...thanks.
I've just tried to activate hypeLists on fresh Elgg. All works OK.
Can you list all activated plugins on your Elgg?
Group discussion
And other elgg default plugins....elgg 2.2.x
Try deactivate
Ex., hypeLists and try again
OK I will...thanks for your time and support. I will give you feedback soon...thanks.
Better would be if you just looked up your php error log to see what's wrong.
A blank page usually means a fatal error somewhere. Your logs would tell you exactly what's causing this and gives us a much better look on how to fix it.
Hello I deactivated hypeinteration and activated hypelist and it worked...then I activated hype interaction and deactivated the likes plugin,then with hypelist and hype interaction activated and likes plugin deactivated... The activity page started working... Please any advice...thanks.