I noticed both rel='toggle' and rel='popup' aren't working anymore.
To verify it wasn't just my site, I checked the community where I knew there was a rel='toggle' link (on the activity page, when clicking the text-balloon to quickly answer and it's not working here as well.
I don't know of any places here that would use the popup module with a rel tag, so I can't check that (in my install Juho's notifier uses the popup module). I think the user hover menu uses it, but with a class selector instead of a 'rel'.
I checked if the module just wasn't included, but manually requiring it doesn't fix it. So I suppose it's loaded but just not working.
There are no js errors in console.
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- ihayredinov@ihayredinov

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- Dries@driesdk

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- ihayredinov@ihayredinov

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- ihayredinov@ihayredinov

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- ihayredinov@ihayredinov

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- Dries@driesdk

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- ihayredinov@ihayredinov

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- Dries@driesdk

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- ihayredinov@ihayredinov

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- ihayredinov@ihayredinov

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You must log in to post replies.Answering from activity comments form toggled by the balloon. What browser are you using?
mmm, indeed works on my post, another one on page 2 here, it doesn't work, then a little further it works again and then it doesn't again. On page 4, one is working, 3 others don't.
I've tried using safari (latest) a recent firefox, an old firefox on a different machine.
Chrome on 3 machines, it's all the same.
There are probably multiple river entries with the same id. I bet you it toggles the comment form somewhere else on the page. Hence I never use rel="toggle"
On a side note, check out hypeInteractions: https://github.com/hypeJunction/hypeInteractions
That's fast. Thanks.
I'll check it out.
But I guess the problem on my own site is different then this then and a coincidence that some toggles weren't working here as well, so I thought it was a bug.
Since I have no toggle/popup functions doing anything, including the ones in the theme sandbox.
I'll go down to disabling plugins lane :)
That's a long curvy lane. Good luck.
Found the culprit, just for documentations sake, I had some trouble with the un-like icon being always visible on some occasions even if there was a .hidden class attached. So I added a css rule, .hidden {display:none!important} to the css and that was quite stupid of me, guess I wasn't thinking.
Good that there came a bug report and a immediate fix for something else out of the issue :)
Yes, I had that problem before. We should update the likes JS to toggle .hidden class instead of setting style="display:none". jQuery is dumb about preserving display of the element when it's toggle with toggle(), show(), hide()
Using !important has its own set of hickups. See https://github.com/Elgg/Elgg/pull/10209