Hello...has anybody used hypejunction's hypeScraper plugin...i tried to activate it on my localhost but each time i clicked the "activate" button it displays a blank page...then i ran upgrade.php on my localhost elgg site then it displayed the following
Fatal error: Class 'Guzzle\Http\Client' not found in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-DevServer-14.1VC11\data\localweb\karat\mod\hypeScraper\classes\hypeJunction\Scraper\Plugin.php on line 55
i use elgg 2.1,...your assistance will be much appreciated....thanks and best regards..
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- ura soul@tunist

ura soul - 0 likes
- DARLINGTON@Dar_ling_ton

DARLINGTON - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.if you search through the github issues for hypescraper for the word 'guzzle' you will find the probable solution: https://github.com/hypeJunction/hypeScraper/issues/25
thanks ura soul for your support..i was able to download the packaged version of hypeScraper and it activated...but it makes my river page load blank b'cos there are bookmarks...do you know how i could fix that or is there an alternative plugin to hypeScraper...thanks.