I'll try to explain what is happening and what I would like to accomplish.
When user A is friends with user B but the relationship isn't reciprocal. User B has access to (can view) users A content that user A set with access id "friends".
If user B "likes" something user A has posted, user A cannot see that user B has liked it until user B adds user A back as a friend.
The confusion happens when user A gets a notification emails saying user B has liked your content but when user A loggs in there are 0 "likes" on that content.
Is there any way to make all "likes" with access I'd public?
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- Steve Clay@steve_clay

Steve Clay - 1 like
- stuartsloan@stuartsloan

stuartsloan - 0 likes
- ihayredinov@ihayredinov

ihayredinov - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.I agree with you: https://github.com/Elgg/Elgg/issues/6767
Thanks for the reply. That thread is kind of frustrating. I believe the annotation's access_id should be inherited from the content. What if the user decided to edit the content's access_id? The "like" annotation access should change with it. That's just my opinion.
So where can I add elgg_set_ignore_access(TRUE);
The all like annotations?
Keeping access in sync wouldn't be desirable for all annotations, but for likes we could do a sync similar to comments. That doesn't solve magic access level problem however.