I am editing the profile userdetails page.
Basically i am adding my content..
but what i want to do is define a widget so it has the edit and save and collapse thing
but i dont want them to be able to drag it
and i want to be able to call a function to display that widget.
Is there a way to do that? or maybe just use the wrapper so i can use its style/functions?
See http://community.dcs2.org/pg/profile/DimentoxTravanti
I am some what doing it but i want to be able to use a edit on each one. Thats why i was thinking hidden widget.
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- DhrupDeScoop@Dhrup2000
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- Dimentox@dimentox
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- Dimentox@dimentox
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You must log in to post replies.sticky widgets plugin ?
Not exactly what i need.
I need to call multiple instances of the widget.. And also have it take up two slots like the profile does
Is there a way to call a widget from a page like the profile userdetails.php page?
also if thats possible is there a way to hide it form the list of widgets you can move around on teh profile page.