Elgg iphone theme status

Hello everytbody,

I am still developing this theme.
The list bellow is what it will have. I would like to hear your comments. What you think? Do you like it?

This is not just a simple theme, this is re-writting a lot of controllers. So, it takes a lot of time.

I will public a GPL version very soon.

I would like to show you some images too.

Image 1: view of the external page About

Image 1

Image 2:System messages (you put a invalid user/pass)

Image 2

Image 3: dashboard

Image 3

Image 4: list of users.

Image 4

Image 5: profile view

Image 5

Image 6:the wire

Image 6

Image 7: messages

Image 7

Image 8: login

Image 8

I hope you like it. Regards to everyone.


List of features.

    * TOPBAR
          o LOGGED IN
                + THEWIRE
                      # Shows the status and allows you to add a new one.
                + SEARCH
                      # Will allow to search between every entity by tag.
                + ABOUT
                      # Shows the information of the about's external page.
                + REGISTER
                      # Allows to register a user of the net.
                            * When this is done then I will have to add a tag to the user to identify it like an iphone user.
          o HOME
                + News Feed
                + Friends
                + Members
          o PROFILE
                + Shows the profile of the user.
                      # Owner menu.
                            * Actions into your profile (lookin your own user).
                                  o Friends
                                  o Friends of
                  o Edit details.
                      # Visitor menu.
                            * Actions into a profile (looking an user).
                                  o Add Friend
                                  o Friends
                                  o Friends of
                                  o Send a Message
                      # Administrator menu.
                            * Actions of an administrator.
                                  o Edit details.
                                  o Bannear
                                  o Reset password
                                  o Add/Remove admin
                + Edit profile
          o GROUPS
                + List all the groups.
                      # Groups
                            * Group's profile.
                                  o The group's Latest Discussion.
                                  o Group's members.
                                  o Group's files.
                                  o Group's pages.
                      # Latest Discussions
                      # Add New group
          o INBOX
                + Private messages.
                + Sent Messages.
                + Create new message.

List of tags.
Everytime we list the entities we will be able to do:
Filter by:

    * Mine
    * Friends
    * All

Shows like:

    * List
    * Gallery

This will have pagination too.

Walled Garden
The iphone module also restrict the access to the pages that are not defined like one allowed page.

Some iphone views sections will be able to show notifications by quantity. For example the messages quantity notificator.

Things to develop in the future.
Pages support.
Blog support.
Bookmarks support.