Educationally Oriented PlugIns

Educationally oriented plugins for different school levels:

I wonder which PlugIns are being used for elgg based sites oriented towards educational social web sites ? Sure.. some fun-stuff PlugIns will be loaded for good effect, while other PlugIns will be more utilitarian for schools. I'll think over this and post more notes...

  • My colleagues in the Educational Technology section are very much into e-Portfolios. According to them the e-Portfolio tool in certain well known VLE is rubbish and although Mahara does e-Portfolios well it is not a well rounded package like Elgg. Back in Elgg 0.9 they had me install Presentation plug in which they liked. If you haven't already guessed my preference would be a killer e-Portfolio product that would keep my pedagogs happy for a while.

  • Ok I am thinking of converting my ELGG site to a educational based site (K-12) what I am trying to figure out is what a few of the abbreviations stand for. Also I am looking into a math tutor program and some kind of spelling game for the younger groups. Maybe even go as far as to create some small plugin for other topic (history, english and the like) Are there any working education site out there I can look at?




    • VLE = Virtual Learning Environment ( UK )
    • VLS = Virtual Learning Systems ( UK )
    • HE= Higher Education ( UK )
    • FE= Further Education ( UK )
    • K12 = Grade 12 ( USA )


  • Thanks Dhrup

    That cleared that up.