whenever I enter my site using https is the look that way http://i.imgur.com/GM8cvx4.png They could help me?
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- Cim@manacim

Cim - 1 like
- Winbook@radioblackbra

Winbook - 0 likes
- Matt Beckett@Beck24

Matt Beckett - 0 likes
- Winbook@radioblackbra

Winbook - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Maybe a PHP/JavaScript file wasn't updated? An entry might still be http instead of https inside the PHP/JavaScript file(s)
this problem happens when I change the URL of the site on the panel put the "Enable HTTPS logins using" works without error even at http: //
Don't use the "Enable https login" option, it's going away soon anyway. As long as your site is configured with the url as https it will work fine. You can also force https in your htaccess or various other ways in the server config.
I don't know exactly what the problem is just from this info, but I would start by searching your plugins for anything that might be hard-coded with http
Most modern browsers will refuse to do ajaxy stuff over http when originated from https
thank you <3 I will put your name in wiinbook.ga/about : 3