Language words and phrases plus email templates stored in database.

Time and time again we are told not to edit the core files which I agree is the best approach because each time we do it can break things or we have to edit them at each upgrade. The best approach of course is to write a plugin or plugins to do what you need. The most recent plugin I recall seeing to change the name (word / phrase) was to Rename The Wire. A search of plugin to rename something found 25 plugins.[t]=rename&sb=Search.

Another script which is commercial that I use, the developer instead has key words and phrases stored in the database and an admin tool that allows them to be changed. The advantages are that the core files are never edited and no plugins have to be created to change / rename something. The admin can also add their own words and phrases for ultimate flexibility.

Email templates would be another example for user registration and notifications etc allowing the admin to greatly personalize them without touching the core files or needing plugins. An example of this already somewhat exists in elgg with the About, Privacy and Terms pages

The developer does have a live demo site for the admin side where you can see an example of both the language phrases and email templates.

  • have you ever looked at the Translation Editor plugin? It allows admins (and assigned translators) to translate any part of your Elgg installation and it doesn't affect the core files, so you'll be able to upgrade without having to redo your translations.

  • I'm looking at it now for the word / phrase change and downloaded the latest from github.

    My problem with emails not being send had to do more with the email template not the word or phrase which is why I included it in my post.

  • I was wrong in my previous comment about the email template. The Translation Editor plugin does work for what I needed to do and avoids me having to edit the core file.

  • The Rename the Wire plugin is just an example of how to change the wording of another plugin / Elgg core. But the changes done with such a plugin does not have to be limited to a single plugin alone. Basically, you can add all modified language strings within a single language file (or rather one file for each language you want to support).

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