I have this problem: Every time more than six users try to sign in at the same time, XAMPP locks up.
I set 1 GB of RAM for elgg (server has 8 GB).
The 'mysql' process runs at 100% of CPU usage during sign-in. Is there anything I can do to improve the stability?
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- Matt Beckett@Beck24
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- Cim@manacim
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You must log in to post replies.Don't use XAMPP for production :)
haha yeah I know, but this custom elgg network is deployed in a place where there is no internet access, and none of the computers are fast enough to be a linux server (512 MB of RAM and 800 Mhz)
So, XAMPP is the best alternative so far. I'm using XAMPP in a laptop, the faster computer there, but cannot install linux on it.
The question is: how much of the 1GB of RAM is free even with no users online? Is suspect there isn't much free memory to begin with even with XAMPP being idle. I would suspect that the server config of the services running on XAMPP (Apache, mysql, mailservers etc. etc.) already consume a large part of the 1 GB. If users log in then, the additional http and php processes resulting from these users' action require more memory than available - possibly no swap mem either or not enough in any case. Then XAMPP just gets stuck.
If it's a memory issue indeed, it should be possible to optimize the config of the server processes running on XAMPP or maybe starting with disabling unnecessary services to have more free memory. At least 600 MB of free memory should be possible at best. Then it should be possible for more than 6 users to be on the site at the same time.
Btw. Linux has rather lower hardware requirements compared to other OSes...
Run Linux lol.
I assigned 800 MB of RAM, and I added 2 GB of RAM. However the login problem persist.
CPU is at 100% during sign in. 6 users can log in at the same time, and up to 20 can be logged in at the same time. However if those 20 try to log into elgg at the same time, it will crash.
Experiment with a local Linux box and see if it does the same thing.
@cim @iionly
I found out the problem. It wasn't XAMPP. It was the computer (even though it is an old Pentium 4) The issue was that I was using an elgg installation that was migrated from a server. I created a new installation of elgg and I'm not experiencing performance issues. I was surprised to see how fast was running with over 30 simultaneous connections with so little RAM.
Either that, or the amount of users that the previous elgg installation had (over 500?)