I can't release this on community due to it really being for 2.0, but I thought I'd point it out here.
See the screenshots and README for details (my favorite feature is the new topbar avatar menu). Basically I'm hoping the Elgg core team can start focusing on releasing theme plugins to allow moving the out-of-the-box platform forward in UX/UI in minor releases.
For back compatibility, if you upgrade an existing site, you'll get the new theme, but it won't be enabled. We have to work out what this really means, i.e. if this would really be honoring SemVer, or weaseling around it.
But anyway, a lot of what this does is already in tickets that I've linked to in the source.
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Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
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- Sathish Kumar@rubon

Sathish Kumar - 0 likes
- Cim@manacim

Cim - 0 likes
- iionly@iionly

iionly - 0 likes
- Steve Clay@steve_clay

Steve Clay - 0 likes
- Cim@manacim

Cim - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Like you said topbar avatar menu looks cool , but instead of white we must give some other color . that is not that much good ..
I like it.
.elgg-menu-page class has a grey border-left. Is this intentional? I think it looks kind of bad as you get no continuous border and not all content of the sidebar has this border (e.g. owner block has none).
The border is an attempt to associate the page menu(s) with the content column. If it looks weird I guess it's not working.
If you need help with the designing, let me know :)