Since "event calendar" plug-in is abandoned, what is (if there is any) the propossed solution to add a calendar to Elgg?

I'm really surprised that this issue is not already being heavily discussed in the community.

A good calendar is a must in any collaborative platform, and I think that Elgg could be a good one, among other use cases. It´s somewhat surprising that calendar is not a core plug-in, but not having any plug-in at all is appalling.

Am I missing something?


  • The event_calendar plugin is currently being developed in this fork:

    iionly has been making a lot of work towards making it work on both Elgg 1.8 and 1.9+. I just haven't gotten around to add actual release packages here in the community.

    If you're starting from a scratch I would however recommend using combination of these two:

    They are technologically more advanced and of better quality than event_calendar.

  • Hi, Juho.

    Thanks for the lightning fast response.

    When you say that "iionly has been making a lot of work towards making it work on both Elgg 1.8 and 1.9+", the "towards" implies that it's NOT working yet on Elgg 1.9+?

    Those two you are recommending, are they normal plug-ins, installed as usual? I see some "composer" stuff at the end of the readme for the api. Is there any documentation apart from that readme?.


  • There aren't any major blockers in event_calendar for Elgg 1.9. All the basic features should work.

    Those two you are recommending, are there normal plug-ins, installed as usual? I see some "composer" stuff at the end of the readme for the api. Is there any documentation apart from that readme?.

    I'm not sure what exactly is the definition of a "normal" plugin. I use composer on a daily basis, so for me it is very normal. ;)

    But yes, it seems like you need to use composer if you're downloading the source code directly from Github.

  • Well, when I say "normal" plugin I mean the ones you install following the "download zip-->extract folder-->move folder to mod directory-->activate" procedure.

    As I understand, the composer "voodoo" ;) is only needed for the api, and the ui is a normal plugin. I presume that this is that composer:

    And that I should run the "composer install --no-dev" command (as I'm not a dev) inside the api plug-in directory, (before?/after?/does not matter?) copying it to the "mod" directory.

    What should be the output of "vendor/bin/phpunit" if everything is ok?

    I presume the goal is to make it a normal plugin, without the composer stuff (in other words, with the dependencies included)? With the composer stuff, and without being in the Elgg repositories, I'm afraid it won't be very popular.



  • Might be best to contact the plugin authors for the details.

  • Why, I presumed you were involved. Thanks again for your help, but, nonetheless I think that Elgg developers should be at least as eager as me to have a top class, easy to use and "visible" calendar plugin for Elgg. In other words, I don't mind contacting the plugin authors, but I'm sure you (developers) contacting them would be far more useful to attain that goal.


  • I'm one of the authors of those plugins - the composer step is necessary to include third party libraries that it depends on, it's nothing all that complicated.  Just run the command once the plugin is in your mod directory and it will work.

  • I agree with Alejo Becerra Díaz that we need to have a top class, easy to use and "visible" calendar plugin for Elgg. Not sure how to run the "command once"   on cpanel based web hosting - any step-by-step guide for it ? as other plugins apparently do not need this step.

    By the way does not Event Manger and the Calendar add-on for it does similar thing? I am not sure so will like to know.

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