developing a plugin for Elgg 1.11.0 I received messages like : Deprecated in 1.9: get_db_tables is a private function and should not be used
I would like to know if there is a way to know wich is the better (or suggested) function to substitute the deprecated one.
Is there a document with the list of deprecated functions and possile substitutes?
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You must log in to post replies.https://github.com/Elgg/Elgg/blob/master/engine/lib/deprecated-1.9.php#L1265
Hello RvR and thanks for your quick answer!
the file you posted is the one containing the deprecated function of my example but how to know what function is to be used instead? My question is more general and I'm asking if there is some change log that reports deprecated functions vs new functions to be used to have same functionality.
there is no list of old function => new function.
In most cases the deprecation notice will tell you which function to use as the new function. But in your case the deprecation notice is "misused" to tell you the you are using a function which is marked as private and you should not use this function as private functions can be removed/changed without notice.
Try to avoid using private functions.
Just out of interest: why are you using this function?
Hello ,
thanks for the clarification,
I resolved using a query to show tables starting with my db_prefix and searching in the returned array the table I needed, I used it to avoid queries on not existing custom tables.