Help with copying elgg

Hey everyone,

I'm using elgg for classroom work, but I want three seperate iterations for the three classes I'll be teaching.  I set up elgg how I wanted it, and then copied it to two separate folders (ModelUN was the original, and then copied to ModelUN2 and ModelUN3 respectively).  I created two separate databases and copied the tables and content into those as well, and edited the settings.php under the engine folder in ModelUN2 and ModelUN3 so it accessed the proper database.

The problem is that when I go to the ModelUN2 version, and log in, it redirects me back to ModelUN (the original).  I know there's a file where I determine the root for the site, but I cannot find where to edit this information.  If someone can tell me where this at, I'd greatly appreciate it.


  • Check out the documentation for duplicating an installation:

  • I recently duplicated an installation following those instructions.  Very well written.

    One thing you don't want to miss: "One advantage of modifying the dump file is that you can also change links that people have created to content within your site."  I took the MySql dump file and used my editor to change all the links that were embedded in the data.  That was a big worry I had about relocating.

  • If you're using cpanel, they have phpmyadmin installed. If not then download xampp which ships with phpmyadmin, on to the point! You will need to go into your ModelUN2's database and go into the table called datalists. Edit the datas in path and dataroot fields so they will be pointed to the appropriate Elgg folders.

    Use the same steps for the third installation.

  • @Bill

    Handy to have global access thay way, isn't it ? ;-) I've used the sqldump file in the past and happened to some plugins creating data with old domain name in diffrent tables ;-( but the dump caught it ;-)