Can Elgg be used as a sports based social network? I want to create a place where players can hangout and join different teams and play in a tournament. Each tournament needs to keep stats of the player's performance and team's performance
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adc - 0 likes
- nikos@nlyberakis
nikos - 0 likes
- gluck@gluck
gluck - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Yes, elgg can be used for this. Each team & tournament can have its own group & publish its own stats. Events can be shared including maps, written reports, audio & video.
Yes, sure it is possible and I have already created such a social network. You can have a look at http://www.ergasiako-basket-chania.gr/. A customized plugin is used for handling tournaments, scores etc
@nikos, Is this plugin free or did you make it?