I'm getting a message in Elgg 1.10 that seems to point to your geolocation plugin on github, but there's no plugin there, just a Readme.md file. Here's the message:
Deprecated in 1.9: elgg_get_entities_from_location is deprecated. See geolocation plugin on github.
But looking at the plugin on github, there's only one file, a Readme.md:
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- Evan Winslow@ewinslow
Evan Winslow - 0 likes
- rcrowe@rcrowe
rcrowe - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Elgg core doesn't have well-supported or documented location facilities.
If the current method works for you, you can use it, but I expect you'll need to support it yourself in the future when that function is removed from core.
From Cash Costello: