I have just upgraded my site to 1.1 and now it won't allow me or my users to post anything. instead i get the error "Sorry. We could not find the page that you requested." What to do!!!
Security issues should be reported to security@elgg.org!
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- Juho Jaakkola@juho.jaakkola

Juho Jaakkola - 0 likes
- Zambianflagship@zambianflagship

Zambianflagship - 0 likes
- Zambianflagship@zambianflagship

Zambianflagship - 0 likes
- Cim@manacim

Cim - 0 likes
- Zambianflagship@zambianflagship

Zambianflagship - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Does the error go away if you disable all non-bundled plugins?
No. And I have just tried with one other account I just created and I could post everything else except for a blog.
I'm getting the error Page not found.
What version did you upgrade from?
It has worked by disabling the bundled blog 1.9 and using using one of the other plugins I just downloaded. Gave me quite a scare. Thanks guys!