Hi all,
Just uploaded and installed on my Media Temple Virtual Dedicated server. I have Elgg in a /elgg subfolder and the data in a /data folder. Both /elgg and /data are in the root.
I install fine but then the CSS isn't working (scapd.com/elgg). I did the settings.php manually and then changed the htaccess_dist to .htaccess and then changed the setting in the file to RewriteBase /elgg/.
Any ideas please? Can't use Elgg without the CSS.
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©2014 the Elgg Foundation
Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.
- gone@goofbucket

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- Buffd@buffd

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- Carlos@cloodo

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- skotmiller@skotmiller

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- Buffd@buffd

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- Carlos@cloodo

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- Buffd@buffd

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- Zakary Venturo@madbohem

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- ash@ashwho

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- Scape@Scape

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You must log in to post replies.disable and save simple cache, clear your browser, enable simple cache. See if that helps.
Thanks so much. I turned simple cache off and then cleared my browser. Immediately everything worked fine. I enabled simple cache and once again the CSS didn't work. Simple cache seems to be the problem.
What goofbucket is saying is:
1. Turn 'simple cache' off.
2. clear browser cache.
3. Turn 'simple cache' back on again before you load up your site in the browser.
4. Test your site.
That way we can see if it is the browser or site cache.. If this don't work, then we'll look at the site cache issue.
try http://yourdomain.com/upgrade.php after turning on the cache again
Carlos, thanks but how do I turn on simple cache if I don't load up the site first?
Just follow these instructions...
Site tools... disable simple cache... save... clear your browser cache (you dont have to close your browser)... enable simple cache (you're still on the same page).. save... view whatever page on the site..
As soon as I hit save after re-enabling simple cache, the formatting is gone.
How about php safe mode off
@ Buffd, i am having the same issue on media temple dv server. Did you find any solution ?
Make sure php safe mode is off. That is what fixed it for me.