i want to know hosting provider which are very cheap if you are using any please suggest me ,if you are from india than it will be greatful for me ,im also from india, i cant effort too much money im student thsts why ,any suggestion?
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- VGNtl@VGNtl

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- naughtyboy@naughtyboy

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- VGNtl@VGNtl

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- naughtyboy@naughtyboy

naughtyboy - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.www.hostinger.in they have a free service(yes, Rs 0.00;-) ) which is good enough for a small website.
godaddy.com is also a well known and cheap provider.
All the best.
one more question do i have to pay money for domian seprately??? Sorry for my english :p
Yep, but domain names generally aren't very expensive.
You can also build your website for free at hostinger on one of their subdomains.
which hosting provider are you using?/? i just visted your website