"Deprecated in 1.9: unregister_notification_handler" after installing plugin

I installed the plugin Live Notifications. It works as described but I keep getting the error

Deprecated in 1.9: unregister_notification_handler


both in the admin panel and off the admin panel. It works so far as described. It's just that error keeps popping up over and over and over. 

  • The new function that replaced unregister_notification_handler() in Elgg 1.9 and newer is called


    To get rid of the deprecation warning you only need to replace unregister_notification_handler() with elgg_unregister_notification_method() in the code of te Live Notifications plugin. The function parameter stayed the same, i.e. unregister_notification_handler($notification_method) would become to elgg_unregister_notification_method($notification_method).

  • What file(s) would contain that code?

  • In start.php of the Live Notifications plugin.