I have a few entity types that have lost their comments - e.g. tidypics albums, polls etc. and wonder how I might go about re-connecting them?
I ran the upgrades and they seemed to go normally, same for tidy pics. But I for sure am missing comments that were made on a poll, a file, a tidy pics photo and an album. Is there any way to re-run these scripts?
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- Juho Jaakkola@juho.jaakkola

Juho Jaakkola - 0 likes
- knussear@knussear

knussear - 0 likes
- Juho Jaakkola@juho.jaakkola

Juho Jaakkola - 0 likes
- Check whether there are newer versions available of those plugins
- Contact the plugin authors and ask if there are any known issues with Elgg 1.9
- iionly@iionly

iionly - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.The Elgg core upgrades do not get marked complete unless all comments have been migrated. Not being able to re-run them means that there's nothing left to upgrade.
Are you sure your versions of those plugins are compatible with 1.9?
No, I'm not sure. But the 1.9 page said that most plugins were......
Can I re-assign them manually?
Don't rely on a general statement of "most plugins are compatible" regarding 1.9. It depends on every single plugin if it works on Elgg 1.9 without issues. Some plugins really do work without issues and others might only have minor issues or still work due to the BC layer of Elgg. But there are a number of plugins that definitely don't work on Elgg 1.9 and need to be upgraded first. For example for Tidypics there is a new version specifically for Elgg 1.9. For any other plugins released by me I've also published new versions for Elgg 1.9. For some of these plugins the Elgg 1.8 releases might still work on Elgg 1.9 without any noticeable issues but the new Elgg 1.9 releases were specifically tested on Elgg 1.9 to make sure that they work.
If the missing comments are for plugins that already have new releases for Elgg 1.9 I would suggest to install these new versions first to see if the missing comments turn up again. If that's the case the core upgrade has quite likely finished correctly and any comments still missing for other plugins that were not yet ported to Elgg 1.9 are likely to just not being displayed currently due to issues within these plugins.