I've updated the blog tutorial: http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/Tutorials/Blog
If anyone has other suggestions to improve this tutorial, I'm interested.
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SInce you have been of great help Cash, though I'll contribute to the ongoing documentation. :)
There is an error for:
Thanks! It has been fixed.
I think an introduction about adding to the main menus and the side navigation might be of help. What do you think?
As part of the simple blog tutorial or maybe as part of an extended blog tutorial (a continuation)?
The first tutorial would a really basic one and the second could add to it with more advanced features to keep from overwhelming people in the first tutorial.
I think a continuation from the blog tutorial would be best. we dont want to overload people.
I know how to add a static navigation to the left for the plugin, but what i dont know is how to add a general one.
for example adding to index.php is simple enough but what about:
add.php, and blog.php.
I noticed the page plugin is directed to a different url for its views.
Hope you get the picture.
If I understand your question, the answer is this:
Plugins that want to have their own set of links on the side bar add them using the 'pagesetup','system' event. They register a handler for that event (which is triggered the first time elgg_view or related function is called).
In the handler, you typically check for the right context and then add the links using:
add_submenu_item(<link text>,<link>);
There is usually also logic to control what links appear when the owner of the page is viewing versus someone else.
Thanks. I'll experiment and let you know how I do.
Hi Cash,
I'm using this plugin over a year ago, but now my client wants to add a new feature for it.
He wants to add a search filter at the top of the page to filter the posts by most recently added and most recenlty commented.. I don't know how to do that.
Can you help me please. I'm using v 1.5
Many appreciated
This tutorial help me to actually learn how to create a plug-in it is commented beyond nice....
here is my suggestion: Continue the tutorial and add edit and delete actions to it....
And this is something i want to do: adding the ability to create categories inside the plug-in because the site wide category plug-in ads the categories to every plug-in that supports it and i what separate categories for my plug-ins.....
I am trying to learn coding plugins with that, but I am not sure, if this turorial is still up to date for elgg 1.11 - or if I made a mistake following it.
The plugin won't start, the error log says:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function elgg_view_resource() in /var/www/html/elgg/mod/my_blog/start.php on line 10
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