Set_Context() in Cron not being passed to PermissionsCheck

I'm using EXACTLY the same framework as the example at the bottom of this page -

And I've been sending myself test emails with the variables for debugging purposes.

I can see that in the myaccess_cron function, the original context = cron, and then I set it to myaccess_cron

However, in the myaccess_permissions_check function, when I get_context() it is either admin (I'm logged in) or main (I'm logged out). It never appears as myaccess_cron.

It's as if the context I set in the main function never makes it to the permissions_check function.

And also, when does the permissions_check function actually get called?  It's not being called when I load the Cron URL (/pg/cron/fiveminute) in my browser.  It looks like it gets called when I'm actually using the Elgg interface, which really has nothing to do with my plugin (supposed to run automatically behind the scenes).

Any ideas?

  • Kane - if you wanted to report documentation errors to this group, I'll definitely see to it that they are fixed:

  • @Cash - done and done :)

    PS.  Is there really no way to "subscribe" to a group discussion thread?  It sucks having to manually keep checking if there was any responses.

  • Unfortunately, no. You can subscribe to an entire group but not individual threads. I have a version where the RSS feed is actually useful, but I haven't rolled that in to the core.

  • Darn, I thought I could trick the cron plugin by simulating a login, but that doesn't work either.  Even though $result = TRUE, when I call get_entities() it still doesn't return any that aren't public.

            $elgg_username = "admin";
            $elgg_password = "mypassword";
            // Login
            if ($user = authenticate($elgg_username,$elgg_password))
                $result = login($user, false);

    I'm completely stumped...

  • More confusing things going on.  Related to still forcing the admin user to actually login within the cron script, as described above.

    If I make sure I'm logged out of Elgg and load the /pg/cron/fiveminute/ URL in my browser and in the cron function if I do,

    echo get_access_list();

    I see (2,1)

    If I refresh the page without doing anything else,

    I see (2,1,0)

    So apparently I have to run the cron script TWICE for it to actually know that the admin user has the correct access and only then I can get the entities that aren't public.

    I also tried,

    echo isadminloggedin();

    And it returns TRUE every time, so is it possible that Elgg is just *slow*?  How could it know that an admin is logged in, yet the admin's access list doesn't include "0" (private)?

    I'm guessing that this has something to do with Cookies...?

  • Found the solution - posted at the end of this thread -

    I needed to add a single line after the login() function:
