replace header text in my theme

I'd like to replace the header (the part that says the site name i think)  with an I frame.  I might be able to figure out the code but I have no idea where I'm looking?  any help would be appreciated.

p.s. alternitive simple theme

  • Hey harcha..

    ok man.. here's the whole trail for that area..


    Your main page container is: views/default/pageshells/pageshells.php (this is only the page container.. it contains all areas of your global page like header, main contant, footer..) If you no longer want to see a part of your page, you can take it out from this file...

    Your site name area is: views/default/page_elements/header_content.php (this is where you edit your header content including the part you want modified)..

    Hope this helps.



  • Worked perfectly thanks for the help carlos.  I'm really starting to grasp the framework.

  • Never doubted it for a second! Soon I'll be asking you for help with the code.. good work mate.


    - Carlos

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