I like elgg so much but there is only one VERY BAD thing which i hate. That is Activity system, the wire thing makes me sick. Why do we have wire thing if there is News Feed/ Activity thing?
Why users simply can not post on the main activity page? Why do we have to go thorugh wire thing?
There are some plugins which makes the river same as facebook but still the wire thing is there..
Whenever I start my elgg site, my users come, register and then run away because no one likes to go through complicated process to post something.
Please someone help me, if there is something a plugin which can make the River activity same as facebook. Users can post direct from the main page and make comments etc same as facebook or twitter..
I will never use elgg uless I get rid of wire, this thing must be out from the core. Overall Elgg is great framwork very smooth and easy to make a bigger website but in this Wire thing makes me crazy..
I would appreciate you experts views and replies.
Many thanks in advance.
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- Gerard@gkanters
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I think Wire can be easily disabled via Admin panel. I think it came because at one time there was demand for it.
Try river addon and the wire will be on the activity page you see.
Agreed. The UX bar has been raised since the UI for elgg was originally written.