elgg_get_entities_from_relationship that have annotations

I'm using views_counter plugin by Matt Beckett (http://community.elgg.org/plugins/872625/1.1/views-counter-18x)

The plugin adds annotation called 'views_counter' to entities.

I'm trying to get entities from relationship but need to filter entities that have this annotation (actually I need to get entities that do NOT have it but I'm trying to get ones with annotation first just to see if I can even get them)

Here is the code:

$options = array(
            "type" => "object",
            "subtype" => "file",
            "limit" => 0,
            "count" => true,
            //'annotation_names' => array('views_counter'),

                $options["relationship"] = FILE_TOOLS_RELATIONSHIP;
                $options["relationship_guid"] = $folder_guid;
                $options["inverse_relationship"] = false;
                $files = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options);

That gets the entities (files), now I need to add filter for the views_counter annotations. I tried usin annotation_name_value_pairs but no luck:

$name_value_pairs[] = array(
            'name' => 'views_counter',
            'value' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE,

         $options["annotation_name_value_pairs"] = $name_value_pairs;

Can this be done using annotation_name_value_pairs or do I need custom Joins/Wheres ?

Thanks for the help or any suggestions.



  • You'll have to switch your query function to elgg_get_entities_from_annotations(). This will make your relationship options ignored, so I think you'll have to use a manual join to get those working in the same query.