Hello, i'm going to migrate Elgg to another server, but when i do this, i lost a lot of files because in database we have the old path , can you help me? how i change in all database one part of path with new path? Example: /var/www/ads/dfhs/image.jpg for /path/newsite/www/ads/dfhs/image.jpg
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Read http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/DuplicateInstallation.
Especially the section about database entries will be important for you.
Yes i read and do it. but i have a lot of entries in database that don't had been changed.
Have you executed the mysql command that is listed under "Change the filestore data directory" in the "Database entries" section of the instructions - with the correct new path in the command? This should update the filepath of the entries.
please can you help me. I do this, http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/DuplicateInstallation but i have some errors in login page, i haven't see some pictures. You can see it in http://ciutateducadora.network2social.com
I thinks that some registries in database doesn't change (old path are /etc/XXXXXXX and new is /var/XXXXXX
I migrate another elgg, http://www.xepta.net, and i have problems with files, i can open or view files that users can upload.
You can see it in http://www.xepta.net/file/view/39476/el-pool-electrico
now i'm sure that in database i have changed the "url" path old for new. And i copy folder data, with all files, but some have been lost or i don't know where are.
Can you help me? Thanks
If you copied the data directory will all content to the new location, there should be all files there. What you might need to do is to correct the permissions of the data directory and all subdirectories and files in it to be readable/writeable by the server. You might also need to correct ownership and group of the data directory and its files.
Have you really updated all database entries correctly? Especially the filestore part is important for files/images to be found. Make sure that a slash "/" is at the end of the paths and site url as it might cause issues if there isn't one included.
Has the timezone changed on the new server compared to the old server? If yes, you might change it to match the timezone used on the old server.
Is a RewriteBase set in the .htaccess file of Elgg? If yes, it is still correct? For http://www.xepta.net you wouldn't need one. For http://ciutateducadora.network2social.com you wouldn't need one either but in this case there's maybe a redirect configured on the server. If this is the case, is it correctly configured?
Lastly, your theme plugin might contain some plugin settings that include paths on the server. If that is the case, update these settings and/or try what happens if you disable the theme.
sorry but in xepta.net, in file http://www.xepta.net/file/view/39476/el-pool-electrico it doesn't work because (i think) it isn't in this data folder, how can i see the full path of this file?
other possibiliti is that when i do the sql backup for phpmyadmin it have been crashed. I'm doing a baclkup for mysql console and recovery it.
I'm desperate, because have more than 500 business users that "lost files"
now, i have problems with files in group. If in old server i upload a files in Groups->Files, in new server i lost it.
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