Forward to a custom page after editing profile

profile/edit action uses:


How can force that action to forward to another page?
In particular I have installed login_redirector, in order to send users to profile/edit after first login; then I would like to send them to a welcome page. So the custom forward is required only once.

I am quite noob, so don't be too cryptic :-)


  • set_last_login($user_guid): Sets the last logon time of the given user to right now

    To me it seems it "sets" the login time, I want to see if it was set or not before... what am I missing? :-/

  • Just correct your code and try:

       // not first or second login
        if ($user->prev_last_login != 0) {

        } else if($user->last_login != 0) { // second login

        } else { // first login