I have a whole bunch of files that are showing up just fine. However, I have a couple of files that display nothing. I digged around a bit...
The setting for my data directory is /var/swarm.data/
I spit out a debug message for the files that are coming up empty.
Could not find /var/elggclean-data/1/34/file/1310134267privacysettings.png
I am confused, because I see no references in the MySQL database to "/var/elggclean-data". Is there an alternate location that it is digging up that file path from?
I flushed my caches, but it keeps trying to reference that location that doesn't exist.
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You must log in to post replies.This is /var/elggclean-data a result your early work on your server.
Check and try again -- clean it.
Follow to Elgg recommendations when you going to install the Elgg
OK.. I found the string in the elgg_metastrings table. I was looking for the reference in the elgg_datalist table and wasn't finding it.
What plugin is storing system paths as metadata?
@Matt Core stores it under 'filestore::dir_root' metadata. It's even mentioned here: http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/Duplicate_Installation
See: https://github.com/Elgg/Elgg/blob/master/engine/classes/ElggFile.php#L441
huh, never noticed or run into that before. I guess I rarely use the stock file plugin on a highly customized site... Storing system paths as metadata seems wrong, especially as it seems to always equal the datalists entry...
This is one of the many problems with the filestore system. I think the original idea was to be able to "shard" the filestore by putting different files in different dir_roots, but that's something better done at a FS level than at a PHP level.