Whenever user is loggedin then the group url in the activity page is coming someting like
But when the user is not loggedin the the same url is coming something like
i want my link to be "/groups/profile/GUID/TITLE" insted of "/view/GUID" for all the group links.
Kindly tell me how to do it.!!
[Note: Blogs, Bookmarks are working fine the link appreas as required the problem is only with the group urls.]
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- kirubakaran k@kirubakarank

kirubakaran k - 0 likes
- Rohit Gupta@Rohit_1990

Rohit Gupta - 0 likes
- rjcalifornia@rjcalifornia

rjcalifornia - 0 likes
- Matt Beckett@Beck24

Matt Beckett - 0 likes
- Rohit Gupta@Rohit_1990

Rohit Gupta - 0 likes
- kirubakaran k@kirubakarank

kirubakaran k - 0 likes
- Rohit Gupta@Rohit_1990

Rohit Gupta - 0 likes
- masoud@masoud202

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- masoud@masoud202

masoud - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.@Rohit,
What plugin are you using?
Other than the standard plugin
Group Tools 2.8
Liang Lee Metatags 1.0.3
Advanced Google Tools 1.8
Tidypics Photo Gallery 1.8.0-rc1
Bright Theme 1.1.1
File Tools 1.0
Friend request 3.2
Messages Block 1.0
IP Tracker 1.8.2
Spam Login Filter 1.8.2
Videos 1.4
Welcome Message 1.8
Facebook Connect 1.8
Login Redirector 3.0
Profile Manager 7.5.1
TheWire Tools 2.1
River Addon 2013.09.04
Event Manager 2.7
Auto Sitemap 1.8
Contact Us 1.2.0
So, the groups link won't work if you're logged out? Or do they appear and it is just the link?
Rodolfo Hernandez
Arvixe/Elgg Community Liaison
That's definitely not default behavior - try systematically disabling the following plugins and checking to see if they are the cause:
Liang Lee Metatags
Advanced Google Tools
Bright Theme
Mesages Block
River Addon
Auto Sitemap
These are plugins I'm not familiar with, the other ones I'm pretty confident are not the issue
@rjcalifornia: Suppose there is an activity line as "XYZ joined the group ABC"
Problem is with the href of ABC.. when the user is loggedin the href is "http://www.mydomain.com/groups/profile/GUID/TITLE" but the same ABC on the same activity line shows "http://www.mydomain.com/view/GUID" when the user is not loggedin..
@Matt: I deactivated the above mentioned plugins run an upgrade but still the problem persist..
Did you customized anything in that (groups or river addon like )?
Yes i made a small change in start.php file for group as below
I guess this is where the problem was... "return false" on the 6th line of the above code was actually changing the URL. Thanks for the help. I have fixed it.
can replace address of groups by short url?
[Moderator: this comment was off-topic. It was moved to its own topic.]