I was wondering if anyone in the community as made both their domains (website.com & website.net) point to same elgg installation - where a Elgg user can both log into the .com and .net domains of the elgg installation, and the web address changes in appropriate browser address bar without using IP redirection.
I really appreciate if someone has ever come across in doing this and share some hints in getting that to work.... modification of the .htaccess file?
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- Matt Beckett@Beck24
Matt Beckett - 0 likes
- Mario O.@jropena
Mario O. - 0 likes
- Matt Beckett@Beck24
Matt Beckett - 0 likes
- Cim@manacim
Cim - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.why not just forward the .net to the .com or vice versa?
In case the client needs to switch over to .net and not go with .com. Can you have both domains at the same time? I was looking at the minds.com and minds.org, and it looks identical. I have sent them a private message with no response yet
I'm still not understanding the issue, if they want to go with .net later then just change the config url...
@mario you can change the settings for the URL anytime as Matt was saying. if you choose .net then make the server forward .com to .net and vice versa.
server admins can just change the A record for .com/.net in the DNS zone file.